Hazrat Fatima (SA), leader of all women of the universe
June 23, 2008 - 0:0
TEHRAN June 24 (MNA) --
Your name on our forehead,Most of all respected.
The only one of your kind!
We know what’s in our mind.
Your name is eternal!
Your deeds, kind all!
Role model for lovers!
The best of mothers!
The one we all love, you,
Your dad admires you!
You are our intercessor,
And our facilitator.
Thou, nicer than the rain,
More pellucid than the main.
In the book of creation,
Thou art a fluent strain.
Thou, daughter of the Prophet,
Spouse and mother of Imamate,
In the resurrection,
We need your protection.
Green soul of spring,
Mirror, the crystalline,
The bluest sky,
For my heart’s pigeon.
Not like Mary, Khadija,
Not like Eve or Asiya,
Not like Sarah,
Thou art just Zahra,
The theme of the purification verse,
The theme of Kauthar, hence!
Our hearts beat for you,
Our eyes cry with you,
We value keeping in mind you,
The whole world is you and you.
With your love we are besotted,
Your glimpse makes us inebriated.
Wherever we look, there is a sign of you,
You are hidden, but God’s sign is you,
Oh Zahra, your tale of woe,
Extremely nice, pleasant somehow!
Hazrat Fatima (SA) was the dearest and best daughter of our Holy Prophet (S). He loved her the most.
Her lofty status can be compared with the night of Qadr -- the night the Quran was revealed.
According to our Holy Prophet (S), Fatima (SA) is a maiden of paradise created in human form; she is the leader of all women in paradise and will be the first one to enter paradise.
“The verse of purification (Quran 33:33) was revealed concerning five people: myself (S), Ali (AS), Hassan (AS), Hussein (AS), and Fatima (SA),” said the Holy Prophet.
He repeatedly said, “Fatima is a part of me; her happiness is mine too; as her sadness is mine; and whoever offends her offends me; whoever saddens her saddens me; whoever loves her, loves me; whoever gratifies her, gratifies me.”
The Prophet also said, “When I long for the fragrance of paradise, I smell the neck of Fatima (SA).”
Hazrat Aisha said: “I have never seen anyone whose habit, character and manner of speech were as similar to the Prophet as Fatima.”
According to Hazrat Fatima (SA), the best of women are those who don’t see men and aren’t seen by men, and the worst of her ummah is the one who says whatever he wants, eats whatever is at hand, and wears whatever he likes.
Eulogizing the characteristics of Hazrat Fatima (SA) in his book Fatima is Fatima, Dr. Ali Shariati wrote: “We learn of Fatima as a Muslim female child who defends her father against the elders of her tribe. Fatima, as a Muslim woman, stands at the door and defends her husband and her home when usurpers try to burn it down.
“Fatima tells the newly elected caliph that he has displeased God and God’s Prophet by not listening to the Prophet’s advice and taking his own interests to heart. Fatima, who when she finds injustice and oppression, speaks out with the totality of her being, not fearing the outcome of her words for she knows she speaks truly.
“With Fatima as our model, we learn to fight injustice and oppression. We turn from ourselves to others. She really was, and is still our symbol, our model, our heroine. This is not to deny the spiritual presence and essence of Fatima, who has inspired thousands of artists, poets, writers and artisans.
“Fatima is a perfect example of an ideal woman, of what a woman could be and no one has become. Hussein and Zainab, the sister and the brother, who brought such a deep revolution in the history of mankind, give a sense of honor to freedom, and disgrace to despotism and oppression.
“Our people have tied eternal links to them. All their faith, longing, thought and feelings have been devoted to them. Now, even their language admires them and their means of proof say this. Their hearts beat for them. Their eyes cry with their sorrow. They sacrifice themselves and their possessions upon the way. They withhold nothing.”
Oh, yes! We as Muslim women should spare no effort in trying to understand her dignity and glory in order to know ourselves and our status in Islam and to make the world better than ever.
Following are some sayings of Hazrat Fatima (SA):
1. Obey what is divinely enjoined or inhibited.
2. Rewards will be given to the obedient, and punishment to the disobedient. From His wrath, His servants will be kept aloof and will be led to the eternal paradise.
3. Allah the Exalted bestowed faith upon you in order to have you purified from the sins of paganism.
4. And He ordained the practice of the daily prayers obligatory on you in order to purge you from conceit.
5. And He enjoined the alms due (zakat) to have your souls purged and your daily sustenance augmented.
6. And He prescribed fasting for you in order to stabilize your faithfulness.
7. And He ordained the performance of the pilgrimage (hajj) to make the essentials of the religion (Islam) steady, and allotted justice for the attachment of hearts.
8. And He ordained the holy war (jihad) for the exaltation of Islam, and for subduing the heathens and the hypocrites.
9. And He ordered people to do goods and avoid evil for their own prosperity.
10. And He inhibited them from drinking wine in order to keep them away from pollution.
11. And He ordained beneficence towards parents in order to bar His wrath, and enjoined association with relatives for the purpose of increasing the number of (one’s) children and enjoying prolonged lives.
So, let’s open our eyes,
Not exchange paradise for hell,
This is not nice, well,
Let’s be wise.
Then fear Almighty God,
It doesn’t seem odd,
As He deserves on demand,
Let’s obey His every command.